Super Blood Moon Total Eclipse
Super Blood Moon Total EclipseDate: 28/09/2015Telescope Lens: TS115S/800Camera: Canon EOS70D (W)Focal lenght: 800Filter: –Exp: 3.2″ ISO400Guiding: NEQ6 Pro IILocation: L’Hospitalet...

Partial Solar eclipse (Barcelona)
Partial Solar Eclipse – Date: 20/03/2015Telescope: SkyWatcher ED80/600Camera: Canon EOS40DFocal lenght: 600Filter: Thousand Oaks +2Exp: 1/320Guiding: NEQ6Location: L’Hospitalet de Llobregat...

Partial Solar Eclipse
Partial Solar eclipse Date: 03/11/2013Telescope: SkyWatcher ED80/600Camera: EOS350DExposure: 1×1250″Format: RAWFilters: Thousand Oaks Type 2+Guiding: Auto with NEQ6 Pro IILocation: Maçanet...

Lunar eclipse
Lunar Eclipse: 15/06/2011View in Barcelona: 21:45 – 00:30h aprox.Camera: Canon EOS40D – Sensor CMOS 10mpixels.Lenses: Canon EF100-400L@400mmFocal : f5/6Exposure:22:45 –...

Partial Solar eclipse
Sun Eclipse Date: 04/01/2011Telescope: SkyWatcher Maksutov 102/1300Camera: EOS400DExposure: 8×1/80 ISO: 640Format: RAWFilters:Guiding: ManualLocation: Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona)Software: Adobe Photoshop...

Partial eclipse of the moon
Partil eclipse of the Moon Date: 16/08/2008Camera: Canon EOS40DLenses: Canon EF100-400LFocal lenght :400mm F5.6Exposure: 1/125 segs.ISO: 320Format: RAWFilters: UV B+WTripod:...

Total Moon eclipse
Moon eclipse Date: 10/04/2005 Hora: 23:40hTelescope: SkyWatcher ED80 Pro F7.5Camera: Canon EOS400DExposure: 8 segs.ISO: 200Format: RAWFilters: –Guiding: HEQ5SynScanLocation: Hospitalet de...

Partial Solar eclipse
Partial Solar eclipse Date: 03/10/2005Telescope: Maksutov 102/1300Camera: EOS300DExposure: 20×1/250Format: RAWFilters: Thousand Oaks Type 2+Guiding: ManualLocation: Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona)Software: Adobe...